Exhibitor Presentation Form

Presentation Form

Expo Stage and Spot Presentation Form

Vendors with Expo Stage or Spot Presentations typically SELL MORE . . .

Appear throughout advance and onsite promotions at no additional cost!


The Expo Stage and The Spot will help you to reach a larger audience and shine a spotlight on your business. Presentations are 30-minutes long, and are also FREE to attendees.


Expo Stage and Spot presentations are promoted via Facebook, Instagram, in two Expo emails, on the Expo website, in the Expo Guide (free to attendees), and on Signage placed throughout the Expo.

*An asterisk indicates a required field.


Check off each Expo city where you want to do a presentation


Submit up to two presentations on this form.


Every effort will be made to accommodate your requests, however not all presentations

can be scheduled or can be scheduled each day.


Audio Visual: Projector, Screen, Camera, Lav Microphone, Handheld Microphone, Flip Chart and Markers.





Please enter a brief description. This is what will be used to promote your presentation online & in the Expo Guide. Make it catchy! Make it fun! Make sure they won't want to miss it!



Please enter a brief description. This is what will be used to promote your presentation online & in the Expo Guide. Make it catchy! Make it fun! Make sure they won't want to miss it!

After you click SUBMIT, if you are NOT transferred to the "Thank You" screen, please scroll up this page and look for any messages asking for missing information or corrections.


Thank you to these fine companies who provide continued support.