Sewing's Next Generation

Sewing’s Next Generation is a youth sewing and quilting competition where today’s young sewers (ages 18 and under) can show off their projects and share the fun of sewing and quilting with a live audience. Whether it hangs in the closet, hangs on a wall or hangs out on beds and sofas, the creativity involved will inspire audiences of all ages.
Saturday at 2:30 PM on the Expo Stage
Two prizes will be awarded (first place and runner up) in each of three experience groups: Beginner (1-2 years), Intermediate (3-5 years) and Advanced (6+ years). Plus, everyone who participates will receive a certificate and swag bag. Each participant and accompanying guests will receive FREE admission for their day at the Expo.
How to Sign Up:
If you sew or quilt and are age 18 or under, you are invited to model or show a project. Here’s how to sign up, or help a young sewer (or group of young sewers) sign up:
Saturday at the Expo:
- Drop off project for judging and signed rules page between 8am-11:30am. (The participant does not need to be present at the time of project drop-off.)
- Meet behind the Expo Stage at 2:00pm to dress and prepare for the show
- The show begins at 2:30pm
Questions? Call us at 800-699-6309 or email